sabato 15 maggio 2010

Due Stati a confronto con le loro attrazioni turistiche


It is a big clock on a tower of the House of Parliament in London . The Big Ben is famous all over the world , it is very big and has a pendulum which is 3.9 metres long. Big Ben strikes the hours while four smaller bells strike the four quarter. We do not know exactly why this giant bell is called Big Ben .At that time there were two men. The first was a champion boxer Benjamin Gant and the other was sir Benjamin all a Member of Parliament. They inspired the nickname Big Ben but no one is sure which it was.

La Tour Eiffel

La Tour Eiffel a été construite par l’ingénieur Gustave Eiffel pour l’Exposition Universelle de 1889. Ce monument est le symbole de Paris .La Tour est entièrement en fer, pas en acier. Elle est composée de 18.038 pièces en fer, elle est haute 324 mètres et elle pèse 10.100 tonnes. On peut atteindre son sommet à pied ou en ascenseur. Aux deux premier étages il y a des restaurants , des snack bars et des magasins de souvenir. Au troisième étage on a installé l’antenne de la télé de diffusion de France.

Gli alunni della classe I B